Admissions FAQ


Below are answers to questions frequently asked about Nightingale and our admission process. If you have additional questions, please contact us at any time at or (212) 933-6515.



  1. Click on the "Apply Now" button on the main admissions page.
  2. Select the blue "Create Account" link to create a username and password.
  3. After entering your basic information, select the "Create Account" button.

请注意,如果我们的系统在创建帐户过程中识别出您,您的电子邮件地址将以红色突出显示. 如果出现这种情况,请点击“忘记登录”?这将提示您输入您的电子邮件地址,以收到带有您的用户名和密码的自动回复, 哪一种可以让您完成在线申请并在录取过程中监控您女儿的进度.


  1. Click on the "Apply Now" button on the main admissions page.
  2. Enter your username and password for the Nightingale website when prompted.

What standardized tests do you require as part of the application process?

在2023-2024招生周期, applicants to Classes II-IV are required to submit ISEE Primary II-IV scores. Applicants to Classes V-XI are required to submit either SSAT or ISEE scores. Scores are valid from April 1 of the prior school year; i.e., for the 2023-2024 academic year, all tests must be taken after April 1, 2023. 确保皇冠体育app收到正式的成绩报告, Nightingale's ISEE school code is 333860 and SSAT code is 5340. 欢迎学生提交多份成绩报告.


入学申请截止日期为2023年12月1日. All corresponding application materials are due on January 4, 2024.

看看申请流程—— Kindergarten, Class I, Class II-IV, Middle School, and Upper School.


We are accepting applications for Kindergarten–Class X for the 2024-2025 academic year. 有兴趣申请XI班的考生应在提交申请前联系招生办公室.

What age does my daughter need to be to apply to Kindergarten?

Students applying for the 2024-2025 school year must be five years old by September 1, 2024年(无例外).

Do you have strict birthday cut-offs for grades other than Kindergarten?

We do not have strict birthday cut-offs in grades other than Kindergarten, 但我们确实会评估孩子如何适应每个独特的班级和学生的构成.


皇冠体育app致力于成为一所女子学校, 我们也相信,做一个女孩有很多方式,在和我们在一起的过程中,女孩可能会有很多改变. 我们强烈地感觉到,我们社区的力量在于我们学生群体的多样性, 教职员工和校友们. 因为我们的创始人致力于前瞻性的思考和灵活的作为一个女孩是什么,可以在她的时间与我们和以后, 因此,我们现在的社区应该拥抱我们的学生在这里成长和发展的各种方式. 我们的最终目标是为所有皇冠体育app学生提供一个安全和包容的环境,使他们能够在学术和社交方面得到发展.

没有一个学生是一样的, and most of our decisions as educators take the individual situation into account. It is therefore in our best interest and in the best interest of those that we serve, 创建一套指导方针,而不是严格的政策, 这将为我们与跨性别或性别不符合标准的学生及其家人的对话提供信息.


The school will accept applications from students who identify as a girl.

Keeping in mind that continued health and wellness of each Nightingale student is paramount, 学校将很乐意与那些认为自己是男性或“性别不符合标准”的在校生进行对话,以确保皇冠体育app继续是适合该学生的学校,并讨论学生的家庭和学校如何共同努力,为该学生提供最好的支持.

Does the admissions office require personal letters of recommendation?

No. 请不要寄个人支持信. Information on required teacher recommendations can be found on the Steps to Apply pages: Kindergarten, Class I, Class II-IV, Middle School, and Upper School


No. Attendance at admissions events is not required, but strongly encouraged. 我们认为它们是真正了解我们的学术项目和社区的最佳途径之一.


我们每年提供许多招生活动,在这些活动中,您将与当前的父母见面,并能够在非正式的环境中提问. 请查看我们网站的活动部分.



皇冠app安卓下载安装的种群有多多样化? 教职员工?

Nightingale actively seeks an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse student body. 超过30%的学生是有色人种. 目前,我们有44名有色人种教职员工(28名).占总数的8%).


No. 虽然有很多女孩住在这个地区, 学生们来自城市的各个地方, 包括所有的行政区, New Jersey, Connecticut, 和威彻斯特县. 我们也有国际学生.


纽约市教育委员会(New York City Board of Education)为K-6年级的学生提供往返学校的免费巴士交通(仅在曼哈顿), depending on how far away the student lives from Nightingale. Most often, 纽约市教育委员会的学生交通办公室可以为每个学生分配一个公交车站, but not always. Although this service does not pick up your daughter at your door, designated stops are usually within a few blocks of the student’s home. A parent or caregiver must meet the bus on the return trip in the afternoon. 居住在离学校超过半英里的家庭,如果不希望使用教育委员会的巴士服务,可以申请一张学生地铁卡. Qualifying students in grades 7–12 are issued a student Metrocard.

Private buses, 与社区学校共享, 从曼哈顿市中心, Brooklyn, Queens, 和布朗克斯也有. 欲了解更多信息,请联系


Yes, through Hobbyhorse我们延长了一天的课程.

Hobbyhorse offers a series of afterschool workshops 星期一至星期五 from 3:15–5:00 p.m. 低年级学生,K-IV班. Additional care is also available Monday through Thursday from 5:00–6:00 p.m. 在思想库(见下文). 获得学费资助的家庭将按比例为霍比马提供经济援助. 今年秋季的课程样本包括:Creative Cooks, Calligraphy, Chess, 电影工作室, Robot Crafting, 低年级奥尔夫乐团, and Yoga.

Additionally, Students in Class IV-VIII are welcome to join the Middle School Thinkery. 思想库是学生的地方, 类IV-VIII, to study, think, 从下午3:20-6:00开始玩.m. 星期一至星期五. Thinkery为每天加入我们的思考者提供家庭作业帮助,监督(并参与)模拟游戏和社交活动. 这项服务是免费的.

Thinkery旨在为学生提供一个与他们的学习和彼此建立联系的空间, and also where students will find the support they need to become the most engaged, courageous, 他们也可以是好奇的学习者和思考者.

Thinkery每周在类似实验室的环境中为教师提供特定科目的学术支持,并通过我们的同伴辅导计划提供一对一的支持. In addition, Thinkery将试行两个新的浓缩项目,每月一次:Thinkery Talks, 这将是由社区成员和嘉宾演讲15到20分钟,分享他们所做的一些“酷”的事情,然后是学生Q&A, 和思维亲和性讨论, 学生将有机会参与由社区成员领导的讨论,庆祝他们共同身份的各个方面.



运动队从五年级开始,五年级到八年级被认为是不被削减的,以鼓励每个学生参与. Varsity and JV sports begin in Class IX and include competitive try-outs. For more information on Nightingale Athletics, please visit the Athletics page.


Yes. 校舍完全符合《皇冠app安卓下载安装》,并且是完全无障碍的, 除了舞台和屋顶.


皇冠体育app-班福德学校位于东92街20号,在第五大道和麦迪逊大道之间. See here 查询路线及详情.

What is your student/faculty ratio and average class size?

On average, 我们的师生比例是6:1, 我们的平均班级规模大约是12名学生. In Lower School, reading and math groups average 5 or 6 students per teacher.


Spanish is taught in Kindergarten and continues through Class III. Lower School students will spend a portion of their day learning and conversing in Spanish, 让他们为全球参与的生活做好准备. In Class IV, 除了西班牙语, students are exposed to a trimester each of French and Mandarin, and the student chooses a language to continue on with in the Middle School. 特别强调文化和使现代语言学习成为学生整体学习经验的一部分. Latin is introduced in Class VI, and Greek is offered in the Upper School.


我们的大学名单包括美国和国外最好的学习机构, and the list’s diversity reflects the individual passions and interests of our graduates. Click here to view the list of schools our students have attended over the past five years.

What if my daughter receives test accommodations at her current school?

If your student currently receives accommodations at school, 我们鼓励家庭在申请过程中尽可能多地分享信息. 您的孩子不会因为披露这些信息而在录取过程中处于不利地位. Rather, 如果你的家人决定在皇冠体育app大学就读,我们知道如何才能最好地支持你的学生是很重要的. 如果你的学生在皇冠体育app大学注册, please know that the school has its own protocol and procedures for granting accommodations, 在以前的学校获得特定住宿的学生可能不会在皇冠体育app得到完全相同的住宿. 家庭将在学年开始前咨询皇冠体育app学习资源部门,以确定所有新生的最佳行动方案.

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